Binfield Cricket Club - Club Constitution




1. Name: The club shall be called Binfield Cricket Club.

2. The address of the club and the premises to be occupied and habitually used for the purpose of the club shall be Forest Road, Binfield, Near Bracknell, Berkshire.

3. Objects: The objects of the club shall be the playing and advancement of cricket in Binfield.

4. The colours of the club shall be maroon and gold.

5. The club shall be managed by a General Committee consisting of the Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer, Fixture Secretary, Team Captains and Vice Captains and any other member who the Committee may co-opt to fill a casual or vacated vacancy during the term of office. Five shall form a quorum. The General Committee shall have the final word on any expenditure of moneys on behalf of the club or any other matter involving the club.

6. All members of the General Committee shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting having been proposed and seconded by club members.

7. The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than 30th November each year.

8. At the Annual General Meeting all members of the General Committee shall be elected for a term of one year. The Secretary's report and the Treasurer's report of accounts for the previous year shall be presented. A copy of the Treasurer's report shall be available to each member present. The meeting shall be called by giving at least 14 days clear notice. At the Annual General Meeting a resolution put to the vote of the meeting shall be decided on a show of hands unless a ballot is demanded (a) by the Chairman or (b) at least 3 members present. 

9. An Extraordinary General Meeting of the club shall be called by the Secretary within 21 days of either receiving instructions from the General Committee or the receipt of a requisition signed by not less than 20% of the membership stating the purpose of such a meeting.

10. All fully paid up members over the age of 18 may vote at the Annual General Meeting and at Extraordinary General Meetings.

11. An application for membership shall be considered by the General Committee who may admit the applicant to membership of the club or not without giving any reason for the decision. No applicant for membership shall be admitted to the privileges of membership without an interval of at least 2 days between the application and admission. The application shall be displayed at the club premises for at least 2 days before admission. A list of the names and addresses of all members shall be kept at the club premises.

12. In the event of the conduct of any member either in the club or elsewhere when representing the club being considered detrimental or injurious to the reputation of the club, the General Committee (provided three members present at the meeting condone such course) is empowered to direct the Secretary to send a notice in writing to such member advising of his expulsion from the club. Cessation of membership shall also be by non-payment of subscription or by resignation.

13. The amount of the annual subscriptions shall be fixed at the first General Committee Meeting after its election at the Annual General Meeting and be payable by the 31 May, after which team selectors shall give preference to paid up members over non-paid up members.

14. The Secretary, the Chairman and the Treasurer shall be responsible for purchasing intoxicating liquors for the club and supply of such liquors by the club to members and guests. The General Committee shall approve the rules by which the bar is run. Written accounts shall be maintained and all moneys from the bar will be paid into an account called Binfield C.C. Bar Account. Members may introduce up to three bona-fide guests and the name and address of guests and the name of the member making the introduction shall be entered in a book kept at the club premises for that purpose. All visiting teams and their guests shall be entitled to be served with intoxicating liquors. Off-sales will only be made to members in person. Intoxicating liquor shall not be supplied to any person under the age of 18 years.

15. The permitted licensing hours shall be approved and laid down by the General Committee and will be as follows:

Weekdays:- 11.00 to 23.00 hours

Sundays, Christmas Day and Good Friday:- 12.00 to 15.00 and 19.00 to 22.30 hours.

The bar will be open on Saturdays and Sundays when there is a match and on two evenings in the week when there is a club activity and four other club events throughout the year. The bar may also open at the Annual General Meeting and General Committee meetings.

Intoxicating liquor may only be sold to persons attending the Club premises for Social or other functions organised or authorised by the Club provided always that the number of such functions shall not exceed twelve in any one year, but no function shall be permitted to which admission may be obtained by payment of money at the door whether for a ticket or otherwise.

16. Where any persons are admitted to membership of the Club on a non-voting basis, the total number of such members shall not exceed 15% of the total membership.

17. Complaints or recommendations concerning the operations of the club shall be made in writing to the Secretary who shall submit the notification to the General Committee whose decisions on any such matter will be final.

18. In the event of any matter arising that is not covered by the preceding rules the General Committee shall deal with the matter at its discretion.